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Granular Chlorine for Swimming Pools Hot tubs and Spas – 4lb

Keeps the water safe from viruses and bacteria, household Cleanser, Mildew remover.

Shipping Class – Instore Pickup only!

JMD 2,600.00

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Granular chlorine chemical is a type of dry chlorine that is primarily used in cleaning swimming pools. It is also known as calcium hypochlorite. It is one of the two forms of solid chlorine, the other being chlorine tablets. Chlorine Powder(Granules) is a popular chemical used to sanitize swimming pools and treat water. It can help keep pool water clean, prevent contagions, and maintain a free chlorine rate of 1 mg/l. Granular chlorine is effective at removing bacteria, pollutants, and algae from pools. The chlorine powder is also popular as a pool shock treatment because it dissolves quickly, allowing it to get to work faster.

  • Fast-acting Granular chlorine granules provide 68% available chlorine for hard-hitting immediate results!
  • Clears cloudy water or dull water appearance. Non-stabilized formula is ideal for super shocking or everyday use, contains no cyanuric acid.
  • Removes mildew on Concrete Surfaces
  • Excellent all round Sanitizer for House Hold use

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Weight4 lbs




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