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Eagle Claw Egg And Split-Shot Sinker Assortment

  • Assorted size
  • Freshwater and saltwater
  • Beginner skill level

USD 7.07

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Availability: In stock


Eagle Claw Egg and Split Shot Sinker Assortment immediately puts variety in your tackle box. The dial pack is filled with a variety of sizes and two styles of sinkers, ready for any fishing application you might come across. You will have your sinker needs covered with this 55 piece assortment. Convenient dial pack keeps the sinkers secure and dispenses sinkers at a turn of the lid.

Get to your desired fishing depth with the Eagle Claw Egg and Split Shot Fishing Sinker Assortment. This sinker assortment can be great to capture fish like bass, sea trout, snook and many more. Fishers with diverse skills can use this sinker assortment.

Additional information

Weight 0.45 lbs

55 pcs

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