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Picasso Float Line for Spearfishing

Picasso Float Line distributes buoyancy along the top of a net that usually replaces external floats. As there are normally no external floats, gill and trammel nets can be pulled smoothly.


USD 35.32

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Picasso Float/Spearfishing/Speargun Line distributes buoyancy along the top of a net that usually replaces external floats. As there are normally no external floats, gill and trammel nets can be pulled smoothly.

They are made of plastic tubing or braided rope that floats and have hardware at each end. These are for attaching floats, spearguns, and other items. They allow divers to drop and retrieve their speargun from the surface by pulling the line. When spearfishing, Picasso Float Line is used to attach the float to the speargun handle.  Not only does this mark your position in the water, if you need to drop your speargun you will not lose it.

Additional information

Weight 0.90 lbs
Dimensions 2.08 × 0.78 in





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