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Bobber Rig

1 Pack Speed Stopper
8 Split Shot Sinkers
1 Snap Swivel
1 Ball Bearing Swivel
1 Tourney Tough 10lb Test
Hooks, 2 x #4, 2 x #6, 2 x #8

USD 11.89

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Availability: In stock


A bobber rig is a fishing float rig that uses a bobber. It is a small, lightweight float that helps anglers determine when fish are biting bait. The bobber is attached to the fishing line and holds the bait and hook at a predetermined depth, usually at the surface. When the bobber goes underwater, it indicates that the fish has taken the bait.

These are highly effective, highly adaptable method for catching freshwater and inshore saltwater fish.

A fishing bobber, also known as a float or cork. And is a lightweight buoy that is attached to a fishing line. It helps to keep it on the surface until a fish bites.

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1 Pack Speed Stopper
8 Split Shot Sinkers
1 Snap Swivel
1 Ball Bearing Swivel
1 Tourney Tough 10lb Test
Hooks, 2 x #4, 2 x #6, 2 x #8



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