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Floating Dispenser for Spa

  • Perfect for small pools and spas
  • Easily adjusts to fit your pool or spas chemical needs
  • Diffuses 1-inch chlorine or bromine tablets
  • Secure, locking lid prevents spillage
  • Automatically disperses sanitizer as it floats

USD 19.27

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The Chlorine & Bromine 1 Inch Tablet Floating Dispenser for Spa is designed to simplify your pool maintenance process and allow you more time to enjoy your swimming pool. Simply set up your dispenser with your choice of tabs (up to 1 inches) and let it chlorinate – or brominate – your pool.

The 1 Inch Tablet Floating Dispenser is ideal for spas (Pool) of all sizes. It has an adjustable ring to control the speed at which your chemicals are dispensed.

Simply fill with small tablets (bromine or chlorine) and adjust it to your spa’s requirements. It’s just that easy!

  • Diffuses 1-inch chlorine or bromine tablets
  • Secure, locking lid prevents spillage
  • Automatically disperses sanitizer as it floats
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