
Pool Putty

Can be used for under water or out of water repairs. Extremely strong 2 part mix.

USD 57.82

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Availability: In Stock


Epoxy Pool Putty is an extremely strong 2 part mix. Simply cut two equal quantities and hand mix them together like flour dough and apply to the area in pool needing repairs. Dries white.

Epoxy bond pool putty cures in water so there is no need to drain pool. Once cured, it stays white and will not shrink or sag.

  • RESTORE CHIPPED & BROKEN TILE: No need to live with chipped or broken tile. Use Epoxy bond for pool to repair and restore broken and chipped tile.
  • COLOR WON’T FADE TO YELLOW, SAG, OR SHRINK: Once it has cured, formulated to keep its color and stay hardened without shrinking, turning yellow, or sagging.

Additional information

Weight 0.88 lbs
Dimensions 6.5 × 1.2 × 2.2 in



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