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Offshore Angler Green Ultraskin Sabiki Rig

The Green Ultra skin Sabiki Rig with a Fluorocarbon Leader sports light colored fish skin  that works to reflect light in deep murky waters. You’ll love the convenience of the ready to go rig with its strong leader, and you’re guaranteed to love the results.</p>

</div><div class=”Color col2 columnHeader anchored” role=””>=”columnheader”>

=”cell”>Color:- Green Ultra Skin&lt;/div><div>ass=”Length col2 columnHeader unanchored” role=”columnheader”>

Branch Test:- 10lb

Main Test: – 17 lb. Main / 10 lb. Branch

USD 1.71

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Availability: In stock


Offshore Angler Green Ultraskin Sabiki Bait Fishing Rig/Lure with Fluorocarbon Leader. Making bait is extremely fast with these from Offshore Angler™. You’ll enjoy spending more time fishing for big dolphin, mackerel, and whites than you will for baitfish. The Green Ultraskin Sabiki Bait Fishing Rig/Lure with a Fluorocarbon Leader sports pale colored fish skin that works to reflect light in deep murky waters. Each individual rig can be pulled out of the bag without opening the entire package. You’ll love the convenience of the strong leader, and you’re guaranteed to love the results.

Hook Size:- 8
Color:- Green Ultra Skin

Branch Test:- 10lb

Main Test: – 17 lb. Main / 10 lb. Branch

Additional information

Weight 0.03 lbs
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